Our golden paste recipe, made from turmeric, GP is hailed as a wonder supplement that can stave off disease and heal a variety of ailments.
Photo courtesy of Andy Holmes
BBC Radio runs a series called ‘The Things we Forgot to Remember’ that details events that history overlooked, or which slipped from our collective memory.
The point is that we forget valuable facts, and with it, the context that matters. Take our diets, and those of our four- legged friends. For decades, we cut down on good fats and raised our carbohydrate intake, only to realise that wheat and pasta drain our energy and raise our vulnerability to everything from diabetes to Alzheimer’s.
Fortunately, we are slowly reversing this damaging course we have been on. We eat better, and as our knowledge and income rises, we help our doggies do the same. Take turmeric, the warm, bitter, deep-orange powder that helps to give curry its distinctive odour and taste.
Long used in Ayervedic medicine, we are only just realising – or to be precise, learning to remember – how valuable turmeric is in reducing inflammation, tackling the free radicals that damage cells and cause illness and ageing, and boosting our ability to metabalise sugars. This is wholly natural miracle drug we cannot and should not do without.
Well, it turns out the same is true for pup-pup. For anyone out there already tuned in and turned on to the benefits of brewing up a batch of ‘Golden Paste’ and adding it to the morning doggy bowl, you can either smugly nod your head and continue to read along, or get on with other things.
The Ingredients
But for everyone else, this is important. Golden Paste is dead easy to make. Various recipes exist, but few stray much from the original-and-best formula, which involves four basic ingredients.
The Instructions
Put the water in a pan with the turmeric powder, bring to the boil, and reduce the heat to simmer for between seven and ten minutes. Then take the pan from the heat, let it cool, and add the coconut oil and then the black pepper.
Next, spoon the thickened paste into a glass jar and, the next morning, start to add it Fido’s morning nosh.
It might seem like a faff – life is short, time is limited, and all that. But think of it this way. Golden Paste really is a marvel, and it does amazing things to your doggy’s insides – to his or her guts, brain function, and ability to stave off illness or fight viruses. It’s a powerful antioxidant, a natural and effective anti-inflammatory, an ally in the fight against cancer, and an excellent way to shield the liver against toxins. You’re doing something amazing for pup-pup, by doing something that is simple, pretty cheap, and which doesn’t take much time to prepare.
Or, you can further streamline the process by buying direct from one of the excellent vendors of Golden Paste that are cropping up all over the place.
Here are three of the best:
The Dosage
Don’t add more than a quarter of a teaspoon at first, rising to a full teaspoon, and try not to keep a batch in the fridge for longer than two weeks.
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